Real-Time Survey Insights

Easily create multiple-questionnaire surveys, graphically view and analyze responses as they come in to quickly gain deep insight into respondent leanings

What Can Cerveyor Do For You?

Cerveyor streamlines the survey process, allowing researchers to gather more information in a shorter period of time and easily consolidate results compared to traditional polling methods.

Analyze respondent data in real-time

Graphically view respondent answers as they come in rather than having to compile data for later review.

Unlock insights into respondent sentiment

Create respondent filters to visualize cross-tab comparisons of different audience segments.

Surface respondent sentiment trends

Easily track how respondent leanings change over the course of multiple questionnaires.

Mobile friendly survey and analysis interfaces

Designed with a mobile-first mentality, Cerveyor allows respondents and stakeholders to use the device of their choice and receive the same high-quality experience.

Download respondent data for offline analysis

Online forms make gathering respondent information a breeze. Download responses in a compiled Microsoft Excel workbook for offline review.

Simple no-subscription, per-project billing

Forget expensive subscriptions that charge whether or not you use the application. Our simple pay-as-you-go billing model charges by the project, allowing you to offer pass-through billing to your customers.

Who is Cerveyor For?

Short answer: anyone who wants to learn more about target audience opinions and attitudes towards a product, service or concept. Cerveyor provides a qualitative approach to gaining in-depth understanding of audience sentiment.

Attorneys and Consultants

Easily run online mock trials allowing stakeholders to evaluate the effects of varying arguments in real-time as responses come in, surfacing common traits of participants who are receptive to your case.

Product Developers and Designers

Streamline market research and facilitate open discussion about the pros and cons of various product features before going to market.


Simplify A/B testing of different marketing strategies to understand what is impactful to potential users before investing in live campaigns and marketing materials.

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Our Company

Cerveyor provides a unique pay-as-you-go platform for running online surveys, focus groups and mock trials, returning results and surfacing valuable insights for stakeholders in real-time. Our secure cloud offers state-of-the-art network/hardware/software redundancy and data security to give you the piece of mind that Cerveyor is here when you need us.